First attempt at 100-word story

OK, no writing over the weekend, I was a bit lax but relatively busy. But here goes a 100-word story, I’ve been wanting to do this since I first read about it online.

He hung his head, waiting for the flow of angry words to stop. He had no answers to the questions coming at him. Nothing formed in his mind that would make sense. He couldn’t make the questions stop. He could only say nothing and absorb the anger, push down ill-advised comments. Later on, he desperately wanted to explain things, make everything better, but he couldn’t form the words properly. No matter how calming the words might sound in his head he wasn’t able to start talking. So once again, he kept his mouth shut and hoped things would get better.

(the idea for this comes from the 100-word story challenge on the Velvet Verbosity writing blog)

About Frank

A Yank by birth, I moved to the Midlands of England from sunny Southern California at the beginning of 2004, after living in California for 7 years and San Antonio, Texas for 16 years before that. I'm a lifelong reader, a tabletop gamer, a wannabe writer (although I rarely write!) and am constantly interested in, and fascinated by, everything. I'm still learning about British culture and things after 10 years, and still enjoy my odd bit of Americana, which my friends and co-workers have hopefully come to terms with. View all posts by Frank

2 responses to “First attempt at 100-word story

  • Mike

    I enjoyed your first 100 word story Frank.
    My son Dan sent me over to your site – I’m looking forward to reading more of your short stories.
    100 word stories are great fun – have you seen Velvet Verbosity’s blog? ( She does a weekly 100 word challenge & has some great entries – well worth a read.
    I’ve also been playing around with some 5×5 stores – 5 sentences each sentence exactly 5 words. Check out Angel Zapata at 5×5 Fiction –

    • Frank

      Thanks Mike! 🙂 I got the 100-word story idea from your site after Dan sent me the link and I try to read the original Twitter story guy’s Twitter feed when I can. I’ll check out the sites you linked for more ideas – hopefully I’ll be building up to a proper short story soon.

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